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Montague Projects. Volumes from an Imagined Intellectual History of Animals, Architecture and Man. (Faux) Books/Posters/Records

Doctor Ojiplatico. Julian Montague. Montague Projects. Volumes from an Imagined Intellectual History of Animals, Architecture and Man
Daily Book Graphics es el proyecto del artista y diseñador gráfico Julian Montague consistente en dedicar un post diario en su blog al apartado gráfico de los libros publicados entre los años 1950 y 1980. El tiempo dedicado al estudio y aprendizaje le ha inspirado a diseñar sus propias portadas, como ocupacion secundaria, en el proyecto (Faux) Books/Posters/Records, para libros, además de discos y posters con titulos y tematicas de su absoluta invención y que el describe como 'Volumenes para una imaginaria historia intelectual de los Animales, la Arquitectura y el Hombre'
Doctor Ojiplatico. Julian Montague. Montague Projects. Volumes from an Imagined Intellectual History of Animals, Architecture and Man

Doctor Ojiplatico. Julian Montague. Montague Projects. Volumes from an Imagined Intellectual History of Animals, Architecture and Man

Doctor Ojiplatico. Julian Montague. Montague Projects. Volumes from an Imagined Intellectual History of Animals, Architecture and Man

Doctor Ojiplatico. Julian Montague. Montague Projects. Volumes from an Imagined Intellectual History of Animals, Architecture and Man

Doctor Ojiplatico. Julian Montague. Montague Projects. Volumes from an Imagined Intellectual History of Animals, Architecture and Man

Doctor Ojiplatico. Julian Montague. Montague Projects. Volumes from an Imagined Intellectual History of Animals, Architecture and Man

Doctor Ojiplatico. Julian Montague. Montague Projects. Volumes from an Imagined Intellectual History of Animals, Architecture and Man

Doctor Ojiplatico. Julian Montague. Montague Projects. Volumes from an Imagined Intellectual History of Animals, Architecture and Man

Doctor Ojiplatico. Julian Montague. Montague Projects. Volumes from an Imagined Intellectual History of Animals, Architecture and Man

Doctor Ojiplatico. Julian Montague. Montague Projects. Volumes from an Imagined Intellectual History of Animals, Architecture and Man

Doctor Ojiplatico. Julian Montague. Montague Projects. Volumes from an Imagined Intellectual History of Animals, Architecture and Man

Doctor Ojiplatico. Julian Montague. Montague Projects. Volumes from an Imagined Intellectual History of Animals, Architecture and Man

Doctor Ojiplatico. Julian Montague. Montague Projects. Volumes from an Imagined Intellectual History of Animals, Architecture and Man

Doctor Ojiplatico. Julian Montague. Montague Projects. Volumes from an Imagined Intellectual History of Animals, Architecture and Man

Doctor Ojiplatico. Julian Montague. Montague Projects. Volumes from an Imagined Intellectual History of Animals, Architecture and Man

Doctor Ojiplatico. Julian Montague. Montague Projects. Volumes from an Imagined Intellectual History of Animals, Architecture and Man

Doctor Ojiplatico. Julian Montague. Montague Projects. Volumes from an Imagined Intellectual History of Animals, Architecture and Man

Doctor Ojiplatico. Julian Montague. Montague Projects. Volumes from an Imagined Intellectual History of Animals, Architecture and Man

© Julian Montague
(Faux) Books/Posters/Records
Montague Projects Blog | Flickr | Pinterest 
'In the Secondary Occupants Project the faux books, records and posters are meant to be the reading, listening and viewing materials of the unamed character at the center of the project. Collectively the books are titled Volumes from an Imagined Intellectual History of Animals Architecture and Man. All of them connect in one way or another to the central animal/architecture concern of the project.'


Doctor Ojiplatico. Julian Montague. Montague Projects. Volumes from an Imagined Intellectual History of Animals, Architecture and Man
(Faux) Books/Posters/Records. Posters

Doctor Ojiplatico. Julian Montague. Montague Projects. Volumes from an Imagined Intellectual History of Animals, Architecture and Man
(Faux) Books/Posters/Records. Posters

Doctor Ojiplatico. Julian Montague. Montague Projects. Volumes from an Imagined Intellectual History of Animals, Architecture and Man
(Faux) Books/Posters/Records. Posters

Doctor Ojiplatico. Julian Montague. Montague Projects. Volumes from an Imagined Intellectual History of Animals, Architecture and Man
(Faux) Books/Posters/Records. Posters


Doctor Ojiplatico. Julian Montague. Montague Projects. Volumes from an Imagined Intellectual History of Animals, Architecture and Man
(Faux) Books/Posters/Records. Records

Doctor Ojiplatico. Julian Montague. Montague Projects. Volumes from an Imagined Intellectual History of Animals, Architecture and Man
(Faux) Books/Posters/Records. Records


Doctor Ojiplatico. Julian Montague. Montague Projects. Volumes from an Imagined Intellectual History of Animals, Architecture and Man

Doctor Ojiplatico. Julian Montague. Montague Projects. Volumes from an Imagined Intellectual History of Animals, Architecture and Man

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