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The Open University. Design in a Nutshell. Are you a bit postmodern, or do you belong in the Bauhaus?

The Open University. Design in a Nutshell. Are you a bit postmodern, or do you belong in the Bauhaus?

¿Eres un poco Postmoderno, o perteneces a la Bauhaus?
¿Quieres aprender sobre los seis movimientos más importantes en la historia del diseño en menos de quince minutos, con este aceleradisimo curso de Diseño en pocas palabras? Gothic Revival, Arts and Crafts (Artes y Oficios), Bauhaus, Modernismo, American Industrial Design o el Postmodernismo?
Mira los videos y conoce a tu alter-ego en diseño antes de compartirlo con tus amigos.

Doctor Ojiplatico. The Open University. Design in a Nutshell
¿Listo para profundizar en el diseño?

Are you a bit postmodern, or do you belong in the Bauhaus?
Want to learn about six of the most important movements in design history? Watch short videos on:
Gothic Revival, Arts and Crafts, Bauhaus, Modernism, American Industrial Design or Postmodernism

Watch the videos then take the test to discover your design alter-ego before sharing it with your friends.

The Open University. Design in a Nutshell. Are you a bit postmodern, or do you belong in the Bauhaus?

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