Educación sentimental para la niña de tus ojos

Anna Friemoth - 10 Commandments

©Anna Friemoth - 10 Commandments. Fotografía | Photography
La fotógrafa neoyorquina Anna Friemoth desafía con ingenio los Diez Mandamientos en esta serie de autorretratos en los que, interpretando a diferentes personajes dentro de un contexto contemporáneo, hace un personal y humorístico repaso al pecaminoso decálogo.
©Anna Friemoth - 10 Commandments. Fotografía | Photography
You Shall Have No Other Gods Before Me

©Anna Friemoth - 10 Commandments. Fotografía | Photography
You Shall Not Make for Yourself Any Graven Image

©Anna Friemoth - 10 Commandments. Fotografía | Photography
You Shall Not Commit Adultery

©Anna Friemoth - 10 Commandments. Fotografía | Photography
You Shall Not Steal

©Anna Friemoth - 10 Commandments. Fotografía | Photography
You Shall Not Take The Lord’s Name In Vain

©Anna Friemoth - 10 Commandments. Fotografía | Photography
Honor Your Father And Mother

©Anna Friemoth - 10 Commandments. Fotografía | Photography
You Shall Not Kill

©Anna Friemoth - 10 Commandments. Fotografía | Photography
Keep The Sabbath Day Holy

©Anna Friemoth - 10 Commandments. Fotografía | Photography
You Shall Not Bear False Witness Against Your Neighbor

©Anna Friemoth - 10 Commandments. Fotografía | Photography
You Shall Not Covet

©Anna Friemothweb

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