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Ernesto Porto, Ernex. Luna Park. A tribute to the graphic novel

Proyecto personal de Ernesto Porto, Ernex, que rinde tributo a la novela gráfica Luna Park (DC Comics/Vertigo), escrita por Kevin Baker & ilustrada por Danijel Zezelj.
Me enamoré del comic en cuanto lo leí por primera vez, especialmente del especial estilo de dibujo de Zezelj, y la fuerza que le dio a cada página del libro.
La idea era crear una especie de sumario de la novela, con una selección de sus propios marcos. Fue un proceso largo, editar cada foto en Photoshop, eliminando todos los elementos y pintando los espacios vacíos dejados atrás, tratando de mantener un estilo coherente con la obra original. Despues se trataba de unir todos los elementos dentro de After Effects, volver a construir cada composición y traerlos a la vida, animando los elementos, el uso de cámaras para jugar con la paralaje y añadir algo de ambiente con sutiles efectos de luz y partículas.
Ernesto Porto, Ernex. Luna Park. A tribute to the graphic novel. Doctor Ojiplático

Ernesto Porto, Ernex. Luna Park. A tribute to the graphic novel. Doctor Ojiplático

Ernesto Porto, Ernex. Luna Park. A tribute to the graphic novel. Doctor Ojiplático

Ernesto Porto, Ernex. Luna Park. A tribute to the graphic novel. Doctor Ojiplático

Ernesto Porto, Ernex. Luna Park. A tribute to the graphic novel. Doctor Ojiplático

Ernesto Porto, Ernex. Luna Park. A tribute to the graphic novel. Doctor Ojiplático

LUNA PARK from Ernex
Ernesto Porto 
via robotmafia
Luna Park Reseña de Andres Accorsi
I fell in love with the comic when I read it the first time, specially of the particular drawing style of Danijel Zezelj, and the strength he gave to every single page of the book.
The idea was to create a sort of teaser of the novel, using a selection of its own frames. It was a long process, editing every shot in Photoshop, cutting out every element and painting the empty spaces left behind, trying to keep a style consistent with the original work. Then it was a matter of joining all the elements inside After Effects, re-building every composition and bringing them to life, animating elements, using cameras to play with the parallax and adding some atmosphere with subtle light and particles effects.

Based on the graphic novel Luna Park (Ed. DC Comics/Vertigo) , written by Kevin Baker and illustrated by Danijel Zezelj
Music: Johnny Cash: "Hurt"

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