Educación sentimental para la niña de tus ojos

Alex Hall. Relativity

Tras graduarse en la universidad, el artista de Nashville, Alex Hall se encontró en un camino incierto, abrumado e inseguro de lo que iba a ocurrir a continuación. En un intento de visualizar sus emociones y la agitación interior se dedicó a la creación de una serie de óleos surrealistas titulado 'Relativity' representando personajes anónimos en caída libre. Metaforicamente Perversos.

Doctor Ojiplatico.Alex Hall. Relativity

Doctor Ojiplatico.Alex Hall. Relativity

Doctor Ojiplatico.Alex Hall. Relativity

Doctor Ojiplatico.Alex Hall. Relativity

Doctor Ojiplatico.Alex Hall. Relativity

©Alex Hall
via thisiscolossal

My new series “Relativity” depicts individuals floating in time and space. I chose to paint the figures with no distinct faces so they would relate to every man and every woman. This particular series is a very honest representation of where I am currently in my own life. Having recently graduated college and being thrown off my feet into the real world, I was extremely overwhelmed. I still was not sure what path to take or which way to go in life. I began to realize that most people are familiar with this feeling of uncertainty. With that idea, I sought out to create a series that was a visual representation of an emotion that has been universally felt by all people: A sense of uncertainty, and ultimately struggling to achieve a balance in life.

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